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What is the Support Role?

Supports can be any loved one of the client/patient's choosing. Parents, partners, siblings, friends, coaches, treatment providers, and more can serve as Support. Treatment focuses on the unique nature of the individual, their biological (brain functioning) and temperamental traits, and exceptional life experiences.

Who can be a Support?

Will my support be told everything?

We have seen many relationships between clients and supports. Anyone who the client feels could be a vital piece of their recovery journey is asked to join. We frequently see parents,adult children, partners, siblings, and friends. ANYBODY that the client feels is or could be asupport to them is welcome.


Due to space - each client can bring up to 4 supports. We are also happy to bring in Supports virtually as needed/desired.

Is there support for supports?

Yes, supports will have access to our clinical team to ask questions or request additional support throughout the week.

We urge clients and Supports to share the whole experience of TBT-S and acknowledge that there may be sensitive topics. We encourage you to use the check-in times to discuss any concerns with the treatment team.

Will my support attend all 45 hours? 

Yes, we encourage all supports to attend the whole week, in-person or virtually. We understand that not ALL Supports cannot participate in the entire week. We require at least one Support to be in-person for the full 45 hours. We allow each identified client to bring up to 4 support people, and each is welcome to join all aspects of the 5-day treatment.

TBT-S Approach
for me?
Treatment & Services
Therapy Sessions
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